The Jewish people were getting killed by Nazi's in Europe. "In the  In the genocide of the Holocaust the Nazi’s were killing a lot of the Jewish people but some of the Jewish people who escape ghetto or the camps or who never entered them, living instead in hiding, were called submarines life as a submarines was very dangerous. When they imprisoned and killed Jewish people, babies, young children, and pregnant mothers were among the first to die. The Nazi’s began by passing laws that stopped Jews from working in certain jobs.The Nazi’s next priory was to expand their lebensraum winch meant finding more living space for the German people. IN the Holocaust Anne Frank was the one million hews children to died. The Holocaust began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and ended in 1945 when the e Nazi’s were deformed by the implied powers. The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state sponsored persecution an murder of approximately six million Jews by he Nazi’s regime and it’s corroborates.

  I would support the dark years because by May 1943, world war ll had been raging in Europe for nearly four years. Germany’s leader Adolf Hitler, whose dreams of power and glory had fueled that war new controlled much of Europe. I would not support them because hey weren’t good people. On July 24, 1943, in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania then part of the soviet union 21 Jewish resisters from a ghetto of 20,000
d to escape, and make contact with soviet partitions. The salvation of the Danish Jews would be support by September 1943, approximately 8,000 Jews living in Germany occupied den mark had been singled out for death.

  It is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust six million of these were Jewish. The Nazi’s killed approximately two thirds of all Jews living in Europe. An estimated 1.1 million children were murdered in the Holocaust. Anyone who register the Nazi’s was sent to forced labor or murdered. I support the Holocaust because it is important. Extermination squads were also sent to the fronts: In one operation alone, over 30,000 Jewish were killed at bani yr. Some 6 million Jewish perished at the hands at the Nazi’s and their allies.

            The Holocaust is a terrible thing that was napping in Europe. Also, the Jewish people escape because they didn’t support the Nazi’s and some that escape were getting kill. Additionally,some Jewish people were safe in a hiding place that they were hiding
in years.